About Us

Amy and Kent

Hi, we're
Amy & Kent

Quick and easy recipes, without many ingredients, are just the kind we love.

We try to make things that are mainly healthy, with some treats here and there.

When we're not cooking, we love traveling, going to concerts, and spending time with family and friends.

Amy & Kent

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A Little About Amy


I love food, especially pasta, which is my favorite! I love the creativity that creating recipes brings, with combining different ingredients to make a yummy dish!

Writing poetry is also a creative outlet of mine. I have a self-published book entitled Expressions of the Written Soul.

Additional likes include yoga and crime shows... I received an M.A. in forensic psychology and a certificate in criminal analysis.

I also like traveling and experiencing new places, dancing, and music—I love going to concerts! 

Family and friends are so important to me, and the time that we spend together. I love sharing a meal with loved ones—sharing stories and laughs, and creating new memories. I also love how food can bring you back to remembrances of those good times, and feelings of “home.”

A Little About Kent


Throughout my life I traveled quite a bit, which provided many opportunities to experience cultures and food from around the world.

For example, growing up, there was a period when my family moved every one to four years, and from state to state, we tasted a lot of impressionable food. Virginia has great collard greens, Pennsylvania has amazing apple butter, Wisconsin has chewy cheese curds, Massachusetts has creamy clam chowder, and Maryland has Old Bay blue crabs.

In my adult life, as a musician for nearly ten years, I travelled across the U.S. and overseas, and was able to experience more distinct food from each region. During this time, I also learned about the food biz by working in the restaurant industry as a bartender.

But I felt a calling for a different kind of service, so I enlisted to serve. Stationed in Germany, I was able to sample food (and beer) from several countries in Europe. If you haven't tried a döner, trust me, you gotta eat one!

Amy and I now have the opportunity to distill our experiences and love for food, and share them with others to enjoy.

A Little About Rex


Aliases: Reximus, T. Rex, Rexicle, Tink Tink

We adopted Rex in January of 2021. He has brought so much joy into our lives, and keeps us laughing every day!

Rex loves to be in the kitchen with us when we’re cooking. Usually he lays by our feet when we’re at the sink or stove, hoping to trip us so we drop some food.

He also loves the outdoors! Going for a walk is probably his favorite–well, actually, taking us out for a pull is probably his favorite. Aside from walks, he’ll let us know he wants to go play in our backyard by grabbing his ball with his mouth and throwing it towards us. Though, his idea of playing fetch is more like go fetch the ball once, then play keep-away while we chase him. 

Sometimes he’ll bark that he wants to go out, but then just lay in the grass, sniff the air, and watch the birds. And other times, usually late at night, he’ll want to go outside so he can “turbo” around the backyard–that’s when he has so much pent up energy that he runs until he can’t run anymore. He also loves to turbo on the couch.
